Our Services
Become a Private Money Lender and discover how to Rent Your Money Out, So You Don’t Run Out! You’ll make a short-term loan (up to 12 months) that enables us to purchase, renovate, and sell affordable homes. As the lender, you’ll enjoy double-digit returns with predictable monthly cash flow. You provide the funding—we handle all the work, making your investment simple and hassle-free.
Why Being the Lender is So Powerful:
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- Safety: Title and hazard insurance protect your investment.
- Security: Backed by a hard asset that won’t disappear overnight.
- Monthly Cash Flow: Enjoy consistent monthly income—something few investments offer.
- Strong Returns: Earn above-average returns on your investment.
- Return of Capital: Receive monthly interest payments, with 100% of your principal returned after each property sale.
- Long-Lasting Cash Flow: You’re “renting out” your money, much like a rental property. Interest is paid monthly, and your principal is returned at the end of each loan—an opportunity like no other.
- Real Estate Backed: Collateralized by a tangible asset.
- Flexibility: You can choose to participate in a single loan or multiple loans over time—your money, your choice.
Bank of America recently reported that 77.57% of their net income came from interest income, totaling $44.6 billion. Banks have trusted and perfected this lending model over nearly 200 years, building the tallest skyscrapers and establishing branches on every major corner. But here’s the thing—they don’t offer you a chance to invest in their mortgage notes; they keep those profits for their shareholders. Now, you can invest like the bank and capitalize on the same interest income payments yourself.